Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hiking in Shekou

So I think I have said there are two hiking paths very close to our apartment. The one featured in the photos here is directly behind our apt. The second, not featured in this photos, is a 10 minute bike ride . Both, honestly, kick my ass.
You know how on the Appalachian trail, there is a trodden path and little marks on the trees? With these two paths, each step is a granite step -- some hard working Chinese person carried each one on his back and placed it down -- just, as it turns out, to shame my sorry self into better shape.
So the hike is really a series of steps that lead to various beautiful pagodas until the great, sweaty pagodas on the top. Ooh, the calves.
But even more humbling than the challenge of the vertical climb are the various folks who regularly pass me on the way up. I am not making this up. Today, a baby girl in little pink sandals and a baby bottle of water daintily stepped by my heaving frame. She was trying to catch up with her dad. Then a group of college students, yakking and laughing, whipped by me. Grandmas in little straw hats flew by me with children and grandchildren in tow. One actually refused my "Bing Sway?" offer when I extended my water bottle. And finally, small women in heels -- easily 2 inch heels-- climbed past me to the summit. One was thankfully complaining about her feet at the top pagoda. The only other person who was even wearing exercise clothes was an Australian woman who was also defeated by Nanshan Mtn. She said the heat was bothering her. What 92 with 95% humidity is hard on you, too??
So that has been my hiking experience in Shekou thusfar. Tomorrow, we are dragging up the kids:)

Friday, August 20, 2010

A typical weekday for a Serio in Shekou

We begin by setting the alarm for 5:00 to go for a hike, run, walk, but often snooze until 6:00 and radically shorten the exercise. In the early am, tons of people are out exercising-- very small ladies doing tai chi in the park, women and men hiking, people hitting their muscles (ala a pedicure at Magic Nails), poeple walking their dogs in the gardens in our complex.

6:30 We rouse R and L and we all eat a quick breakfast. Vic and I give the kids 50 RMB or so (about 4$) for lunch and have the "Do you know where the house keys, cell phone are? Did you put your homework in your bag? Do you have swimming for PE or soccer after school" conversations. Vic and I leave around 7:00, go down the elevator 5 floors to the basement to unlock our bikes and pedal off to work. Kids board the bus at 7:30 and head to school later.

I pass through our gate, greet the guards with an obligatory, "Ni Hao" and I am off. On my 5 minute bike ride, I try to pass as many small Chinese men also on bikes carrying massive loads of plants, water bottles, ice, metal, a whole family, co - workers as I can. Whatever internal whining I am doing about going to work quickly turns to shame as I ride by folks already at work, hauling rocks, building skyscrapers, working in garment factories,.. In my 3 weeks here, I have an profound respect for the work ethic here; it puts Americans to shame, really. I also pass busses, Mercedes, taxis, walkers, rickshaws, piles of rubbish, little babies in strollers; a true feast for the senses.

I arrive at the school ( have to be there by 7:30), pass the guards at the gate. They all wear palm tree printed white shirts and khaki slacks; all men also. I pedal pass the topiaries that look like dinosaurs, and the bamboo decorations, avoid the massive figs having fallen from the trees before, lock up my bag and walk into my 2nd floor classroom.

First things first-- turn on the AC, great my full time TA named Heather Hou, check in about clerical stuff that she does for me ( I know, really??), do last minute prep and kids enter around 7:50. Picture 14 of the cutest, smartest, funniest Asian kids you know, now make them 6 and that is pretty much my class. I do have 10 countries represented in my class including Conglese-Italian, Australian-Korean, Chinese-Canadian, German, and Israeli. They read in the reading corner and then meet me at circle around 8:05. Then from 8:00-11:45, it is academic time-- reading, writing, and math. There is an obligatory snack recess from 9:45-10:15 which Ms. Hou brings the kids to. The kids get to choose lunch rooms-- Gecko Grille or the Whale Garden and then they have a second recess; Mrs. Hou brings them to this as well. THEN, the afternoon from 12;40-3:00, Mrs. Hou guides the kids between Chinese class, PE, Music, Technology, Library, Guidance, Art. Most of the specials are offered 2-3X in a 6 day schedule. So, I know all of you teachers are thinking 3 hours of prep? You have got to be kidding... Honestly, SIS requires MANY meetings so the afternoons are usually meetings so the planning happens after dismissal.

3:00 Kids walk home, meet their mom or ayi ( Chinglish for maid) or take a bus home.
3:00-5:30 Planning and prep. L and R board a bus from their school to mine -- unless they have sports-- and R does her homework in my room while L looks for a cadre of kids to play soccer with on the beautiful fields or he swims in the pool on my campus. Then R and I pick up L and we all walk home. Vic usually calls by then and is also on his way home, triumphant that he again did not get hit by either a car or bus on his way home. (""Way to go, Dad" Luca exclaims)

We get to the apartment and our own ayi , Guo Li Mai, has prepared a symmetrically presented Chinese meal for us, as well as washed our floors, dusted, changed the beds, and does tons of laundry (Ancient Chinese secret, right? remember that one???)She hangs our laundry on our deck on a cool movable contraption. When it dries, she always puts it in the wrong drawers. She folds my unmentionables in little squares. Never have my bras had it so good. We rarely see her, so as Vic says, it is like having a secret elf in our home. She speaks less English than I do Chinese-- so none --and we draw horrendous characters of what we want her to buy on her shopping days. We try to tell her that our water bubbler is empty via photos and Chinese characters. Every day is a crap shoot with the ayi thing. But our house is clean and the food is delicious.

After dinner, L and I often go for a swim in our complex's pool. V, R, L and I all do homework and watch either Discovery Channel or Star TV-- a mix of American TV re-runs. Again, it's a crap shoot, but sometimes it's great. We get CNN also, but no one, but V, wants to watch that.

Then, exhausted, we fall down on our hard Chinese mattresses, adjust the AC, lock up the doors, turn out the lights, gaze at the city lights and sleep.

Friday, August 13, 2010

China by the Numbers

35 - number of kids in the entire 8th grade
20 - minute walk to my school and also Vic's walk to school; kids take a bus to school
16 - number of buildings in our complex; Shenzhen is high rise haven
12 - the number of students in my grade 1 class who showed up (16 on the roster)
11 - squat toilets visited so far; they are in so many restaurants
10 - # of cultures represented in my classroom of 16
9 - number of times swimming in our apt pool; so luxurious, clean
8- lucky number in China
7- pounds lost so far, :)-- sweating, lack of sugar, and massive amounts of walking...
6-number of silk stitches Renata received on Tuesday after cutting her finger with our new Ikea knife. Made Renata a bit of a celebrity
5 - in US$, price of a good Cbinese meal for one
4- the floor of our apartment
3 - the amount of 40 gallon bottles of drinkable water you receive each week. Really hard to communicate; completely reliant on nice Chinese people we know
2- the number of phones and bikes we are buying today
1 - number of harrowing taxi cab rides taken so far. Like a fair ride, scary and fast...

That's it for now.


school started yesterday!:):(

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Open House

We just completed our first open house. Its funny, even 12,000 miles from Maine school feels like school. There were all the old familiar emotions from both myself, the families, and the students themselves. The excitement, anxiety, ambivalence and more was all right there. Those new to the school fell into both camps, some excited to be there and some still missing their old school. What was really striking was that all of these familiar emotions transcended nationalities. Korean students, Indian, Kiwis it did not matter.
I was surprised when some students felt their summer was "long enough" and stated that they were ready to come back. That is not something I have heard often.
I spent the last few days focusing on what I have not done, what I did not know, and how generally unprepared I felt. Now that I have met the students, I realize I can do this.
Renata and Luca are ready to start the year. They came home after really energized for tomorrow. After coming all this way, I suppose we are ready for what comes next...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Living in Shenzhen

We have been here now one week and there are a million things to talk about, but I think I should begin in the beginning, so here are some photos from our apartment and our first days here. Culture shock? Probably, but we are making do. Every day is full of little failures and little successes. Kind of like home but with a language barrier. Here are Luca rolling down the laundry on the deck, look from our bedroom, Renata's bedroom showcased by Luca, our shower in our bedroom. Looks pretty normal, right?

Keep posting notes to us. We want to know what you want to know!!