Friday, December 3, 2010

Top Ten New things we did this week

It is no surprise that one of our biggest motivations for coming to live in a new country was to try something new. So here goes for the week of November 30-December 4, 2010.

10. Left Luca's camera in a squat toilet in Louho, Shenzhen. Not actually in, but I'm not going back for it.
9. Bought a new camera for Luca in Old Shekou-- Samsung, in honor of the nice Korean dad that I have in my class who works there.
8. Drove an electric bike
7. Watched Luca play the trombone-- what cheeks.
6. Iced Renata's ankle sprained in PE-- lots of pretty colors. She loves the attention...
5. Made donuts in honor of the first night of Hannukah.
4. Celebrated Hannukah with people from Israel; pretty cool.
3. Went to dinner at a restaurant and saw a complete carcass of a beheaded dog in the window as we approached.
2. Went to a different new restaurant on a different street.
1. Celebrated birthdays for three kids, each from Japan, Korea and China. Learned the song in three languages, well heard it in three languages...


  1. I can't wait to hear Luca play the trombone!

  2. I was once offered the opportunity to use a squat toilet in Taiwan. I elected to wait 2 more hours of bus travel until we got back to the hotel. Balance issues.

    We may get snow flurries tonight -- the first of the season. Probably just enough to raise everyone's hopes and not enough to cancel school.

    The last week of classes is coming -- thank goodness! Soon a nice holiday break and a little leisure.

    Did you play dreidel? We always used to eat our M&Ms before we could put them in the pot. I mean really, who gives a 7-year old M&Ms and thinks they're going to still be there 5 minutes later?

    Saw "Burlesque" -- awesome dancing. Zero plot. Lots of near-nudity and one unfortunate thong shot that actually made me gasp out loud and cover my eyes. (It was just a little more arse than I was prepared to see at the moment -- thank goodness it wasn't in 3D).

    Take care, H&G
